Visonaries: Knights Of The Magicla Light

Here you will find all our shows revieweing Visionaries.

Each epsiode Nero, Naomi and Marc review 3 epsiodes of the cartoon Visionaries and have a rip rawingly good time doing it.

PR-36 - [RETRO]: Visionaries: Knights Of The Magical Light Review (Part 1, Episodes 1-3)

Hey Folks,

With Jayce in the bag, Nero, Naomi and Marc are back again to start a new journey into the magical world of Visonaries.

Visonaries was a very short lived show (only 13 epsiodes) that ran from 87' - 88' but had a cool concept and a great case.

A personal fave of both Marc and Naomi and a kind of new experiecne for Nero.

So join us as we venture into a world without technology that crumbled back to the dark ages within a decade.

A fun show as always so check it out.

PR-37 - [RETRO]: Visionaries: Knights Of The Magical Light Review (Part 2, Episodes 4-6)

Heya Folks,

Nero, Naomi and Marc are back again with another 3 epsiodes of Visionaries to review.

A good 3 episodes that have some valuable life lessons, slavery is bad, superstitious pesants are dum and nothing good every happens in a vehicle called the capture chariot.

All in 3 more great episodes of Visonaries and a fun show as always so check it.

PR-38 - [RETRO]: Visionaries: Knights Of The Magical Light Review (Part 3, Episodes 7-9)

Hey Spectral Knights and Darkling Lords,

Nero, Naomi & Marc back again with another 3 episodes of Visionaries.

Fantastic 3 episodes this time round, including what might be the best episode of the enitre series as it focuses soley on the Darkling Lords, and we all know they are the best!

This is the penultimate episode of our Visionaries run, next week we will have a bumper show where covert the last 4 epsiodes in the series.

Until then check this out as it's a fun show as always.

PR-39 - [RETRO]: Visionaries: Knights Of The Magical Light Review (Part 4, Episodes 10-13 FINALE)

Hey Folks,

We're back with our last episode in the Visonaries series. Sad to see this show go as it's been a great time to watch and talk about it.

The last 4 episodes are more fun times with the Darkling Lords, caper action, man eating plants, some totem swapping and hijinks with sun imps.

A fun show as always so check it out